Monday, January 25, 2016


Asbestos is shaped mineral fibers that occur naturally .In accordance with the definition given by occupational safety and health administration (OSHA) , there are six a kind of mineral who are classified as asbestos material , namely Chrysotile , Riebeckite , Grunerite , Actinolite , Anthiophyllite , and Thremolite .Human being have recognize asbestos material since abed 2nd.There are four kinds of asbestos which is now in many distributed in market , namely: Chrysotile asbestos or white , Crocidolite or blue asbestos , Amosite or brown asbestos , and Anthrophyllite or asbestos gray .Of all types of asbestos fibers, Chrysotile the most widely used and it is estimated that for approximately 90 percent of the household all sorts of asbestos .While for the amphibole there have been a ban the use of in general

Seen from the perspective of Chemistry, asbestos is a substance composed of Magnesium-Calcium-Cilicate fibrous to the nature of physical very strong .There are two groups of asbestos, namely Serpentine and Amphibole. Asbestos can be obtained to various method underground mining, but most common is through mining open ( open-pit mining ).Asbestos mined commercially in the united states since the end of the 18th century, And the use of increased dramatically since world war 2.Since then, asbestos start worn as raw materials industry. Now asbestos found a lot around us, some stuff that usually use asbestos such as : 

·         Pipe cement with fibers asbestos
·         Canvass clutch, on brake, and components transmission motor vehicle
·         Upholstery electricity cable
·         Upholstery pipe heater
·         Panel anti fire the roof of the products, and others.

This material having the nature of physically strong and having a resistance high against fire, heat, and a chemical substance. Its benefits are indeed remarkable for home protection, but we have to be alert! It is not all materials containing asbestos fibers dangerous to human health. Health risk factors will become very small if the material in stable condition (solid) so that asbestos fibers bound strong in matrix material .But the substance of asbestos with a specific measure in a separate (free) will pollute the air, which furthermore can enter into the human body.

Asbestos fibers are harmful because they contain a magnesium silicate hydroxide which are carcinogens (cause cancer). If inhaled, asbestos fibers will settle in the lungs. Health disorders or diseases that arise are determined by the dose of asbestos fibers into the body, ranging from symptoms of acute respiratory infection (upper respiratory infection) to chronic disease is Asbestosis. Asbestosis is a respiratory disease that results from breathing in asbestos fibers so that it formed a broad wound in the lungs as a result of the lungs can’t inflate and deflate properly

Friday, January 22, 2016


If you want to ask about asbestos or other things related to asbestos removals contractor , please send an email to this address

Thanks again for contacting me and i hope all of this blog contents can help you. Bye!


This blog is about asbestos. First I want to ask, do you know what is asbestos? Or maybe the roof when using asbestos in your home? I am very sure the asbestos is not a foreign object for you, it is easy to get it in various forms and functions. Maybe even every day you shelter from sun and rain asbestos used? 
There is a possibility that you do not realize that many things around you roommates contain asbestos. Watch out! Asbestos is one of the substances that can harm your health. These materials contain the dangerous fiber would. The danger would be exposed to the lungs if inhaled asbestos fibers, and into the body.

Some diseases caused by asbestos is Mesothelioma, Lung cancer, Or Asbestosis which now has claimed many victims. So I want to share with you the knowledge of asbestos in detail.

Do you want to know more about asbestos? This is the right blog for you to read! And I will give the best information. So you can better understand the asbestos and you will be careful with asbestos. I hope it is very useful to you :)